
Satan in the passion of christ movie
Satan in the passion of christ movie

satan in the passion of christ movie

4) What parts of the movie are additions to the gospel records?

satan in the passion of christ movie

The guards did mock him and crown him with thorns and strike him with their fists. From what the little hints in the gospel accounts, I tend to think the portrayal was accurate. What we can’t know is how closely the scourging scene reproduces what really happened. We know that the Romans could be incredibly brutal, we know that men sometimes died while being scourged, we know that Jesus was scourged. Overall, I think Mel Gibson has faithfully followed the gospel accounts, especially if you bear in mind that he has filled in many details in places where the Bible only gives us a sentence or two. 3) How accurate is the movie in terms of the biblical text? However, I think the scene adds nothing important and in fact distracts from the power of the scourging of Jesus. As a symbol of Satan mocking Jesus, it is profoundly unsettling and true in the sense that Satan mocks and counterfeits everything God does. Or it may simply be Satan’s way of saying, “See, I take care of my “baby” but your Father has completely abandoned you.” It should be noted that this scene has no connection to the biblical text whatsoever. The “baby” might represent the Antichrist. The intent is to show Satan mocking Jesus. If it seem unsettling, it’s meant to produce that reaction. Several of those paintings show Mary holding the baby Jesus with his face turned toward the viewer exactly as the “baby” turns toward the viewer in the movie. One key lies in the Renaissance paintings of the Madonna and the Christ Child. The image deliberately jars the mind because the “baby” has the face of a 45-year-old man, according to Gibson. This is the # 1 question most people have asked. 2) Why is Satan carrying a baby in the scourging scene and what does that represent? Gibson wanted a believable Satan figure and he succeeded admirably. In the Garden scene, the voice of Satan is the voice of man, not the voice of the actress playing Satan. By using a woman with shaved eyebrows who never blinks (note that her eyes are always wide open), Satan becomes a shadowy figure who is both vaguely evil and yet beautiful at the same time. Here are some answers to questions raised by the movie: 1) Why is Satan portrayed as a woman?īecause it would not have worked for Mel Gibson to portray Satan in the pop culture stereotype with horns and a red cape.

Satan in the passion of christ movie